Beat A: 1 visit: 3 wild brownies (WB)
Beat B: 1 visit: 1 Grayling (GR)
Beat C: 3 visits: 10 WB, 1 non tagged stockie and 4 grayling.
Beat D: 3 visits: 25 WB.
Beat F: 2 visits: 2 WB and 4 GR
Beat H: 3 visits: 11WB and 5 GR
Beat I: 3 visits: 6 WB, 6 stockies and 6 GR
Beat K: 1 visit: no fish
Beat L: 1 visits: 1WB
Beat M: 3 visits: 3 WB and 3 GR
*this is a mixture of reported tagged and non tagged stockies
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