Total visits : 13.
Wild Brown Trout (WBT) caught 14.
Grayling caught (Gr) 3
Beat A: 1 visit. No fish caught
Beat B: 2 visits. No fish caught
Beat C: 1 visit. No fish caught
Beat D: 1 visit. No fish caught
Beat E: 1 visit. No fish caught
Beat F: No visits.
Beat G: 1 visits. 5 WBT and 1 Gr all on a french nymph
Beat H: No visits.
Beat I: No visits.
Beat K: 2 visits. 5 WBT and 2 Gr . Pale Watery and Parachute Adams
Beat L: No visits.
Beat M: 2 visits. 4 WBT. Flies used were beaded nymphs.
Beat N: 1 visit. No fish caught.
Beat O: 1 visit. No fish caught.
Rivers running high and coloured not helping sport.
Encouraging to see a few fish coming to the dries.